Death Rank 1

Death Rank 1
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 1 / 3
Prereqs: 3 Power Points
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

Death magic tampers with the body. Removing senses and injuring it directly. Death magic has a Gray flash of light when cast.


Special Rules for the Death school:

If a Death spell does damage, it does so directly to a character’s Body Points. Death spells do not affect armor. Death spells that cause damage will heal undead; the undead adds to its Body Points the amount of damage that would normally be done by the spell, up to the character’s starting total. The Kill spell has a special effect on undead and is described below, but note that lesser undead dissolve into dust when they are slain and cannot be restored by these spells. The rest of the non-damaging spells will have no effect on undead.

Rank 1:

Spell Verbal:  I Call Upon Darkness to…

  • …Feign Death.        1 Power Point      10 Minutes.
    • This spell will make the target character look pale; their skin will be cold to the touch and their pulse and breath will be unperceivable and to most observations, they will appear to be dead. A Detect Life spell, Assess Your Ailment spell or First Aid will not reveal that the character is alive. Feign Death will allow a character to impersonate an undead; the illusion of death is destroyed if the target character takes any offensive actions or engages in combat, but not if they are attacked.


  • Cause Harm.     3 Body per 1 Power Point, Variable        Instant.
    • This spell does 3 points of magical direct body damage for every Power Point spent by the caster. When the spell is cast, the caster must state the amount of damage being done; for example, “I Call Upon Darkness to Cause Harm… Fifteen Body Points” cause 15 Magic Body Points and means that the caster spent 5 Power Points.
    • This spell will heal undead (and some other characters) at the same rate as it damages non-undead.

Death Rank 2
Death Rank 3
Death Rank 4
Death Rank 5

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